Space distribution - The Bridge

Library: 11x9=99 sqm
Common area: 10x10=100 sqm
Computer lab: 16x5=80 sqm
2 Studio spaces: 7x10=70 sqm each
Research space: 5x4=20 sqm
Meeting room: 5x4=20 sqm
3 Offices: 5x4=20 sqm  each
3 Toilets 3x4=12 sqm each

Total 555 sqm 

+ halls etc = 600 sqm

100 students placed into four years. 25 students each year. Three courses on going, needs 3 "lecturers"/head tutors, one running each course. 6 tutors (two per course) where each class will be devided in two with a tutor each. No workshop as the students will be using the Squarehouse. No Lecture theatre as there will be online lectures recorded from the office spaces, and there will also be more time with the tutors. The two studio spaces also has the ability to be both separated so students can work individually, in groups or with their tutor, or the sliding doors can be fully open for all to look at each others work and inspire. this is also how the tutor can have short open briefs/ presentations or mini lectures for everyone to listen. The studio spaces will also be open for students to access at any time, as the computer labs. Common area will also be used as a gallery. Making the most of the space relating to non-destructive thinking of architecture, with as few elements as possible.

Faculty made of a simple plan of all spaces and then put together.

Here are my bubble diagrams from studio tutorial:
